This documentary takes place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, the epicenter of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic world. In that community, married women are not allowed to show their natural hair in public and many wear wigs. We step into the world of Zelda’s salon- the go to spot for the Hasidic Gliterati and Modern orthodox Jewish women with Style and meet Zelda Volkov, the fun and charismatic owner of the salon. However, once Zelda gets a Divorce - a rarity in her world - she no longer fits into the mold of “a good Jewish woman”. Selling wigs now feels like selling a lie - that following the laws will make you happy. As her personal beliefs and community values begin clashing, she sets out on a journey to find herself and rediscover who she is within and without her community.

When Zelda opens up a wig salon for Stylish Orthodox Jewish women in Crown Heights, Brooklyn she empowers women to obey the practice of hair-covering on their own terms with playfulness and glamor; but when she gets a divorce- a rarity in the orthodox Jewish world - Zelda struggles with her relationship to Judaism and decides she no longer believes in wearing wigs.